
Blogs are meant for putting thoughts out for others to see, and also for you to help remember things. I can find no better day in my life that qualifies more than 9/11/01.


Thirteen years ago was one of the grimmest days in US history. When terrorists crashed planes into the Pentagon and into the World Trade towers causing them to fall. I will never forget the events of that day.
On the morning of 9/11 I woke up like most mornings to the sound of my mom telling us to get up for school. I got up and turned on the radio. Every morning as a kid I would listen to Dave, Ken and Molly on 92.9 KZZU in Spokane, Washington. As I got dressed they talked about the news of the day, then Dave interrupted and said there was a report that an airplane had crashed into one of the towers at the World Trade Center. At first they questioned if it was a joke or not

We listened to them in the car on the way to school and about half way to school the second plane hit. My mom was starting to freak out. We got to school and walked in, everyone was sitting in the classroom, I started talking to one of my friends, when my teacher said "oh my lord". I looked up just as the first tower started to tremble and then fell. The next couple of minutes no one said anything. Slowly the teacher regained his composure and told us to get our stuff ready because we were going to the fair for the day. Just as we were about to walk out of the door, the second tower fell.

The rest of the day was a blur as I sat in front of the TV and watched the news all day. It was a day I will never forget and has changed my life and the way this country views its security. I think sometimes when we go to the airport we complain about all the things that we have to go, but we forget why we do this, and how it keeps us safe. We also can never forget the men and women who gave their lives trying to save others that day both on flight 93 and New York's Finest and New York's Bravest! NEVER FORGET!